Comprehensive Guide to Snow Loads: The Impact of Elevation, Terrain, and Microclimates

September 20, 2024 | 7 min read

When it comes to designing buildings in regions prone to snow, understanding snow loads is crucial to ensuring safety and structural integrity. Snow loads are the forces exerted by accumulated snow on a building, and they can vary greatly depending on several local factors such as elevation, terrain, and microclimates. This blog will explore how these factors influence snow loads and what structural engineers should consider when designing for snow-prone regions.

What is Snow Load?

Snow load refers to the weight of snow that can accumulate on a structure, particularly on roofs. It is calculated based on the depth, density, and type of snow in a given area. Snow loads are a critical part of building codes and are essential for determining the structural capacity of roofs and other load-bearing components of buildings.

To accurately design structures for snow loads, engineers rely on local building codes, which often use the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) standard ASCE 7-22: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. However, local factors can significantly influence these loads, making a one-size-fits-all approach insufficient in many cases.

The Role of Elevation

Elevation plays a crucial role in determining snow load. As elevation increases, temperatures typically drop, leading to higher snow accumulation. For instance, buildings located at higher elevations in mountainous regions are exposed to much heavier snow loads than those at lower elevations.

Why Elevation Matters:

  • Increased Snowfall: Higher altitudes often experience more snowfall due to colder temperatures and greater atmospheric moisture.
  • Snow Density: Snow at higher elevations is often lighter and less dense initially, but as layers accumulate, compaction occurs, increasing the overall load.
  • Building Code Considerations: Areas at different elevations may have varying snow load requirements. Structural engineers must account for the specific snow load values designated for the elevation where a building will be located.

For example, in regions like the Rocky Mountains or the Sierra Nevada, a building at 7,000 feet may experience vastly different snow loads than one at 4,000 feet due to both higher snowfall and colder conditions.

Terrain and Topography

Terrain and topography significantly influence how snow accumulates on and around buildings. Structures located in open, flat areas are subject to different snow load conditions than those built on hillsides, valleys, or in forested areas.

Key Terrain Factors:

  • Wind Exposure: Open terrain often exposes buildings to high winds, which can lead to uneven snow accumulation known as snow drifts. These drifts can increase localized snow loads on roofs, particularly in corners and other vulnerable areas.
  • Slopes and Inclines: Buildings constructed on slopes must consider not only the direct load from snow accumulation but also the potential for snow slides. Snow can shift downward, exerting lateral pressure on retaining walls and structures.
  • Valleys: Structures built in valleys may experience microclimates where cold air settles, resulting in heavier snow accumulation compared to nearby higher or flat areas.

Terrain can also affect the way snow melts and refreezes, leading to ice damming—a phenomenon where ice forms at the edges of roofs, preventing snowmelt from draining properly and causing water to seep into the structure.

Microclimates: The Hidden Factor

Microclimates are localized climates that differ from the surrounding area’s typical weather conditions. Even within a small region, variations in temperature, humidity, wind patterns, and other factors can significantly affect snow load.

Microclimates in Action:

  • Proximity to Water Bodies: Buildings near lakes or rivers may experience lake-effect snow, where cold air passing over warmer water bodies picks up moisture, resulting in heavier snowfalls. This can lead to greater snow loads compared to areas just a few miles away.
  • Forest Cover: Structures surrounded by trees may benefit from reduced snow accumulation due to the trees acting as windbreaks and catching snow before it reaches the building. However, snow that accumulates on tree branches can also pose a hazard if it falls or causes branches to break.
  • Urban Heat Islands: Buildings in urban areas may experience lower snow loads due to the heat generated by city infrastructure, which can cause snow to melt more quickly than in surrounding rural areas.

Microclimates can make it difficult to rely solely on regional snow load data. Engineers need to be aware of any local factors that could cause variations in snow accumulation patterns.

Calculating Snow Loads Based on Local Factors

When calculating snow loads, engineers must account for the interaction of elevation, terrain, and microclimate. Here are some steps to ensure accurate snow load calculations:

  1. Consult Local Building Codes: Local codes will provide baseline snow load values, but these should be adjusted for specific conditions like elevation and terrain.
  2. Use Snow Load Maps: The ASCE provides snow load maps that offer generalized values, but local weather data and historical snow accumulation records can refine these estimates.
  3. Account for Wind Effects: In areas exposed to high winds, wind patterns should be analyzed to predict where snow drifts may form.
  4. Slope Considerations: Buildings on slopes should be designed to handle both vertical and lateral snow loads, including snow slides and drifting effects.
  5. Analyze Microclimate Data: Factors such as proximity to water bodies, urbanization, and forest coverage should be factored into the snow load calculations.

State-by-state snow loads chart for the United States

StateRegionGround Snow Load (psf)
CaliforniaPacific Coast20-140
ColoradoCentral and Southern Rockies30-100
ConnecticutMidwest and Northeast20-70
DelawareMidwest and Northeast20-70
IdahoNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
IllinoisMidwest and Northeast20-70
IndianaMidwest and Northeast20-70
IowaMidwest and Northeast20-70
KansasNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
KentuckyMidwest and Northeast20-70
MaineMidwest and Northeast20-70
MarylandMidwest and Northeast20-70
MassachusettsMidwest and Northeast20-70
MichiganMidwest and Northeast20-70
MinnesotaNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
MissouriMidwest and Northeast20-70
MontanaNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
NebraskaNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
New HampshireMidwest and Northeast20-70
New JerseyMidwest and Northeast20-70
New MexicoSouthwest20-50
New YorkMidwest and Northeast20-70
North CarolinaSoutheast0-20
North DakotaNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
OhioMidwest and Northeast20-70
OklahomaNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
OregonPacific Coast20-140
PennsylvaniaMidwest and Northeast20-70
Rhode IslandMidwest and Northeast20-70
South CarolinaSoutheast0-20
South DakotaNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
TennesseeMidwest and Northeast20-70
TexasNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90
UtahCentral and Southern Rockies30-100
VermontMidwest and Northeast20-70
VirginiaMidwest and Northeast20-70
WashingtonPacific Coast20-140
West VirginiaMidwest and Northeast20-70
WisconsinMidwest and Northeast20-70
WyomingNorthern Rockies and Plains30-90

Again, it’s important to note that these are general snow load ranges and actual snow loads can vary significantly based on local factors such as elevation, terrain, and microclimates. Building codes and standards for snow loads should always be consulted when designing structures in snow-prone regions.

Design Solutions for Snow Loads

In addition to calculating snow loads, structural engineers need to implement design strategies to ensure buildings can handle the expected loads safely.

Roof Design:

  • Steep Roof Slopes: Steeply pitched roofs are more effective at shedding snow, reducing the overall load. However, in areas prone to snow slides, this can lead to snow accumulation around the building’s base.
  • Snow Guards: In regions with high snow loads, snow guards or barriers can be installed to prevent large amounts of snow from sliding off roofs at once, which can damage structures or injure people below.
  • Reinforced Roofing Systems: For flat or low-sloped roofs, reinforcing the roof structure with additional beams or trusses can help distribute the snow load more evenly.

Material Selection:

  • Cold-Resistant Materials: Using materials that are resilient to freezing and thawing cycles can prevent damage from snow accumulation and ice damming.
  • Insulation: Proper insulation and ventilation in attics can help prevent snow from melting and refreezing, reducing the risk of ice dams.


Snow load calculations are a complex but essential part of structural engineering in snow-prone regions. By considering factors such as elevation, terrain, and microclimates, engineers can ensure that buildings are designed to withstand the weight of accumulated snow and the various environmental forces at play. Accurate snow load assessments help prevent structural failures, ensuring buildings remain safe and functional throughout winter.

Understanding the local factors that influence snow loads allows structural engineers to create designs that are not only code-compliant but also highly tailored to the unique conditions of each site. With the right calculations and design strategies, structures can safely endure even the heaviest winter snowfall.