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About the Team

Meet our team of seasoned developers, engineers, and industry professionals:

  • Photo of Calvin Bontrager

    Calvin Bontrager

    President & CEO

  • Photo of Adam Wilson

    Adam Wilson

    Founder & CSA

  • Photo of Janae Spinney

    Janae Spinney

    Chief Operating Officer

    • Photo of Kyle Clark

      Kyle Clark

      Lead Software Developer

    • Photo of Aron Van Dijk

      Aron Van Dijk

      Director of Customer Service

      • Photo of Juan Ruiz Hernandez

        Juan Ruiz Hernandez

        Engineer in Training

        • Photo of Lauren Seifert

          Lauren Seifert

          Administrative Assistant

          • Photo of Zeyad Al-Sayhood

            Zeyad Al-Sayhood

            Structural Engineer

            • Photo of Sushma Dasini

              Sushma Dasini

              Software Engineer

            • Photo of Lance Adriano

              Lance Adriano

              Software Engineer