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Save Time by Customizing your Keyboard Shortcuts

June 20, 2020|3 min read

StruCalc's Keyboard Shortcuts feature allows you to assign a combination of 'Ctrl', 'Shift', or 'Alt' keys + another key to items in the File menu.

  • Navigate to the Keyboard Shortcuts tab in User Info -> Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Select the file menu item you would like to assign a keyboard shortcut to from the list
  • Type the shortcut you would like to assign into the 'Shortcut for Selected Command' text box
  • The 'Shortcut Currently Used By' text box will display whether or not the shortcut is already in use. A shortcut may only be used by one file menu item at a time
  • Click the 'Assign' button to assign the shortcut to the File menu item
  • Click the 'Save' button to save your changes

To update your keyboard shortcuts, click the dropdown arrow in the upper right hand corner of the application, and select the Settings option. 

In the Settings window, navigate to the Keyboard Shortcuts tab. 

Select the file menu item you would like to edit the keyboard shortcut for from the list. Optionally, make it easier to find a specific item by first filtering the list. To do so, type a file menu category or name into the 'Show Commands Containing' text box.

Once you have a file menu item selected, type the shortcut you would like to use into the 'Shortcut for Selected Command' text box. Shortcuts must be a combination of 'Ctrl', 'Shift', or 'Alt' keys + another key. Hit the 'Backspace' or 'Delete' keys to remove a shortcut. 

If another file menu item is already using the same shortcut, then the 'Shortcut Currently Used By' text box will display the item's name. A shortcut may only be associated with a single file menu item.

Once you have chosen a shortcut which is not already in use, click the 'Assign' button to associate the shortcut with the file menu item.

When you are finished assigning keyboard shortcuts, click the 'Save' button to save your changes.

Now, when you view the item you assigned a shortcut to in the file menu, you will see the shortcut listed next to the item. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service at [email protected]

Thanks for reading!