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Our Multi-Monitor System Lets You Manage More Modules

June 07, 2020|5 min read

Multi Monitor System

Multi Monitor allows you to move Design Modules from the main window to secondary windows. The secondary windows may then be arranged in separate monitors, allowing you to view more than one Design Module at a time.

  • Move a Design Module to a secondary window in one of four ways:
    • Right-click an existing Design Module in the project explorer and choose 'New Window' from the context menu
    • Drag and drop an open Design Module's tab. You may either drop the Design Module into an existing secondary window, or into open space. The latter will create a new secondary window. Note: drag and drop will only work if the module has already been saved to the project
    • Click the 'View design module in another window' button directly to the left of the current Design Module's 'Close' button
    • Choose the 'Toggle Window' option from the 'View' section of the file menu
  • Switch between 'Tab' and 'Grid' views by choosing the 'Toggle View' option from the 'View' section of the secondary window's file menu
  • Edit existing loads, spans, supports etc. as you normally would in the main window
  • Return a Design Module to the main window in one of three ways:
    • When in 'Tab' view, drag and drop a Design Module's tab
    • When in either 'Tab' view or 'Grid' view, click the 'Return design module to main window' button directly to the left of the Design Module's 'Close' button
    • When in 'Tab' view, choose the 'Toggle Window' option from the 'View' section of the file menu
  • Closing the project or application will save the location of any open secondary windows. When the project is reloaded, the secondary windows will open automatically

Move Design Modules from the Main Window to Secondary Windows

In order to enjoy the benefits of Multi Monitor, you must first move a Design Module to a secondary window. This may be achieved in one of four ways:

  1. Right-click an existing Design Module in the project explorer and choose 'New Window' from the context menu. Use this option to directly open a Design Module in a secondary window without first opening it in the main window. The Design Module will either open in the secondary window you last interacted with, or a new secondary window if one is not already open.
  2. Drag and drop an open Design Module's tab. You may either drop the Design Module into an existing secondary window, or into open space. The latter will create a new secondary window. When a Design Module is dragged over an existing secondary window, a rectangular highlight will appear indicating that it may be dropped. Note: drag and drop will only work if the module has already been saved to the project.
  3. Click the 'View design module in another window' button directly to the left of the current Design Module's 'Close' button. The Design Module will either open in the secondary window you last interacted with, or a new secondary window if one is not already open.
  4. Choose the 'Toggle Window' option from the 'View' section of the file menu. The Design Module will either open in the secondary window you last interacted with, or a new secondary window if one is not already open.

Repeat this process to move additional Design Modules to your new secondary window. The secondary window may be manipulated in a similar fashion to the main window: drag and drop to another monitor, resize, maximize, minimize, etc. 

Tab vs. Grid View

There are two ways to view Design Modules within a secondary window. When 'Tab' view is selected, each Design Module will be contained within a tab. This is similar to how Design Modules are viewed within the main window. 

Alternatively, Design Modules may be viewed in a 'Grid' view. This view will display all of the Design Modules contained within the secondary window at the same time. The same features are available regardless of which view you prefer.

Switch between 'Tab' and 'Grid' views by choosing the 'Toggle View' option from the 'View' section of the secondary window's file menu.


Secondary windows include many of the features found within the main window:

  • Save a Design Module by clicking the 'Save' button
  • Save a copy of a Design Module to a level of your choice by clicking the 'Save As' button
  • Modify a Design Module's 'Location' (i.e. name)
  • Change the Design Module's axis
  • Edit the Design Module's loads
  • Edit the Design Module's spans
  • Edit the Design Module's supports

Move Design Modules from Secondary Windows to the Main Window

Moving a Design Module back to the main window is simple. This may be achieved in one of three ways:

  1. When in 'Tab' view, drag and drop a Design Module's tab
  2. When in either 'Tab' view or 'Grid' view, click the 'Return design module to main window' button directly to the left of the Design Module's 'Close' button
  3. When in 'Tab' view, choose the 'Toggle Window' option from the 'View' section of the file menu

Additional Details

  • Closing the project or application will save the location of any open secondary windows. When the project is reloaded, the secondary windows will open automatically

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service at [email protected]

Thanks for reading!