Legacy 11.0.13 Patch Notes
December 08, 2022|1 min readEnhancements
- Completely changed the way the application installs and updates. Previously, like many desktop applications, you would need admin priviledges to install or update because of where certain files need to be stored. With this change, the application will no longer be installed to priviledged directories. We hope this makes it more accessible to users in a corporate environment.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue that prevented member notes from being printed
- Fixed Load Tracker summary report formatting issues
- The login password field will no longer be displayed in plain text unless toggled to show
- Fixed a setting that perpetually disabled VMD diagrams from printing
- The project summary page will now print if the setting is enabled
- Fixed an issue where Quick Print would display a different result than the regular print
- Fixed drag and drop on project explorer that allows users to copy modules from one project to another