Privacy Policy


Subscription Payment; Automatic Renewal; Refunds.  

All fees are payable in advance in the manner set forth in your Order Form and are non-refundable, except as may be expressly set forth in this Section 9;  

  1. Cancellation Policy. All subscriptions must be canceled a minimum of 7 days before renewal. Cancellations placed after the 7 day requirement or after payment has been processed will automatically apply to the following renewal period. 
  2. Refund Policy. All subscriptions are non refundable once a payment is processed. No refunds will be given for Licensee’s failure to timely cancel Licensee’s monthly or annual subscription prior to auto-renewal. 
  3. Free Trial PeriodSome monthly subscriptions begin with a thirty (30) day trial period (“Trial Period”).  Licensee has until the end of the Trial Period to cancel its monthly subscription. Annual subscriptions do not begin with a Trial Period; instead, annual subscriptions have a built-in one-month discount in place of the Trial Period.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, monthly subscriptions purchased with a discount, promotional code, or alongside associated products with a sales code, may not be provided or entitled to a Trial Period.  
  4. Automatic Renewal.  Licensor will renew Licensee’s subscription monthly or every twelve (12) months, depending on the subscription model selected, as reflected on the Order Form (“Licensee’s Subscription Period”).  Licensor will contact Licensee by email at the email address provided by Licensor at purchase, as reflected on the Order Form, to remind Licensee when its subscription is up for renewal.  Licensee’s Subscription Period will automatically renew on the monthly or annual anniversary of the commencement of the subscription (as the case may be) unless canceled in advance of such renewal pursuant to Section 10.  Taxes and fees may apply. 

Terminating Your Subscription. 

Licensee may cancel its subscription (thereby terminating the automatic renewal process described in Section 9.b), at any time prior to the end of Licensee’s Subscription Period by following the below instructions:

  1. Licensee may request the cancellation of its subscription by contacting Licensor’s support team at (800)279-1353,, or by visiting to create a support ticket, and providing the applicable subscription identification number.  
  2. Licensees with a billing address within the state of California may submit an automatic cancellation request. To do so, Licensees should visit the following URL: At this address, the Licensee can select the subscription that is to be terminated, proceed to select the “Manage Subscription” accordion button, and subsequently click the “Cancel Subscription” button. This action will trigger a support ticket creating an auto-populated cancellation request with all necessary details. The Licensee is then required only to submit the cancellation request.

Term and Termination. 

This Agreement and the license granted hereunder shall remain in effect for the term set forth on the Order Form and thereafter until terminated as set forth herein (the “Term”).  

  1. Licensee may terminate this Agreement by canceling its subscription in accordance with Section 10 of this Agreement. 
  2. Licensor may terminate this Agreement, effective upon written notice to Licensee, if Licensee or any of its Authorized Users breach this Agreement and such breach: (i) is incapable of cure; or (ii) being capable of cure, remains uncured thirty (30) days after Licensor provides written notice thereof; and
  3. Licensor may terminate this Agreement, effective immediately, if Licensee files, or has filed against it, a petition for voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or pursuant to any other applicable law, makes or seeks to make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors or applies for, or consents to, the appointment of a trustee, receiver, or custodian for a substantial part of its property. 
  4. Upon expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, the license granted hereunder shall also terminate, and you shall cease using and destroy all copies of the Software and Documentation.  No expiration or termination shall affect Licensee’s obligation to pay all Licensee and processing fees that may have become due before such expiration or termination, or entitle Licensee to any refund.